Our film opening leans more towards a British art-house style film whilst still coming across as a Hollywood style film. It is similar to films such as Tamara Drew, 500 Days of Summer and Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist in the sense that you can see it is not a big budget hollywood film, but it is however a very well filmed British film. Directors who are likely to to direct a piece of this nature would be Mark Waters who directed Head Over Heals, Mean Girls and 500 Days of Summer because of the romantic comedy elements all of these films have that are very much attractive to young females. The cast of this film would be mostly a young cast ranging around the ages of 17-25. Other characters however may be much older around the ages of 35-50 as the film is set at a college where there would be teachers, other staff and parents.
films budget would ranger around the figures of £8-11 million as it
would not require the expensive special effects, explosions and large
scale settings such as a film like War of The Worlds or The Dark
Night Rises. A production company likely to release this film would
be New Line Cinema as they have commonly released rom-coms such as
The Wedding Crashers, Monster-In-Law and other romance films such as
The Notebook. Universal Studios would be a likely company to
distribute our film. They have distributed British films like About
A Boy and many romantic comedies like Love Happens, Couples Retreat,
The Holiday, The Break-Up and Prime.
As this is a mature teen romantic comedy it would be release at the beginning on Summer, around early June time to get the viewers excited and anticipating the official start of summer. TV advertisement would be the main way of marketing this film as the it is a high enough budget film to have this publicity. Other promotion would include posters on busses and taxis and Billboards. The film would be largely marketed on the internet, adverts on youtube videos for example, magazines and newspapers. We view our film as being the British summer feel good film of the year, so a fair sum of the budget would go directly on promotion and creating a buzz around the film.
A premier of the film most
defiantly take place in London, with the cast of the film and other
current celebrities attending also. The film would be shown in around
250 multiplex cinemas around the UK and Ireland. It would also be
shown in some multiplex cinemas universally and would be very big in
art-house cinemas around the US.
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